Sounds like you all had a great time on your Moab trip! I think the last time I went down to southern Utah was with the band when we went down to Coral Reef and all that jazz. It was a fun trip, but I'd like to do that with the family when I get back :) Glad to hear that Gma and Gpa are doing well. It's been a long time since I've seen the extended family, so we should definitely go to the family reunions when I get back. Time just contiues to fly, I finish up 9 months this week! Here are the cambios that are going on tomorrow for me and my companion:
1. Elder González will be going to Lebu with an Elder Smith that got here the cambio after I did. So there's a really young companionship. But there are a lot like that with the ratio of elders leaving to the elders arriving to the mission. The mission is really young, but it's still the best mission in the world.
2. I will be going to Concepción tomorrow to pick up my son! Yup, ya heard, I'm going to be a dad. In other words I'll be training a new missionary this cambio. And on top of that, one of the assistents to the president called me the other night telling me that I'm going to be a district leader this cambio. So I've been given a bit more responsibility now haha. But I'm really eager to do whatever it is that the Lord wants me to do. *Starts to sing* I will go I will do, the things the Lord commands. I know the Lord provides a way, He wants me to obey....and then Elder Vincent forgot the rest of the words to the song. *dada CHEEEE*
Don't worry about the birthday package, money in the account will be fine. I would like an American flag though :) I'm going to buy a Chilean one as well. But whenever the package gets here, it gets here. Can't complain, right? Here's a shout out to all those who have sent packages or letters: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Kelton is going to change his hair to red?????? Why would he do that? I remember when I wanted to paint mine black with some red streaks (not sure if I told you that...but if not, surprise!), but I'm so glad I never did it haha. I think it's good to be satisfied with the color that God gave us :) Haha, nah, I don't really mind it when people paint their hair if it's not crazy colors. But red...we'll see how that one turns out. Send me pictures!
Alrighty, here's my list of interesting things that happened this week:
1. We had two more baptisms this last Saturday! I'll include some pictures. Their names are Marta and Macaren Acuña - two young women that are going to be faithful members. Just a few days before the baptism, we were talking with them, and Macarena shared a really cool experience that she had with us: A few days before we had met them she had been talking with one of her friends about religion, and the friend had asked her if she thought that the church she was attending (the Adventist) was really true or not, and Marta told her that she didn't really know if it was the only true church. So a day or two later, before going to bed, she kneeled down to ask God to help her find out what the truth really was. And then the next day we (Elder Tonumaipe'a and I) showed up at her house knocking doors. She told us that she knew then that God answers prayers and that she knows without a doubt that this church is true. By the end of the appointment they were both smiling a crying - the next day they had their baptismal interviews and then they got baptized on Saturday. The Lord really does help us find the people that He has prepared, I can bear witness of that.
2. So we found out this week that our calefont (the things that makes it so we have hot water - from gas) was in really bad shape and needed to be replaced. The day before we had interviews with President Swenson the two Elders from the sector Lautauro came to spend the night at our place so that they wouldn't have to travel early in the morning. Anyway, in the morning, we all woke up with head aches and light headedness, and one of the elders (Sanjinés) threw up. So we all went outside to see if it was something that was bad in the house. We started to feel much better outside, so we determined that something was bad with the gas line or something. So we turned the gas off (it's in a canister behind our house), and when we went to the interviews we talked to President and Sister Swenson about it. One of the bishop's councelors in the the Quirihue ward works in stuff like that, so he came over with one of his employees this week and took out the calefont (which is said was just about read to explode or burn the house down) and put a brand new one in, but outside of the house to fulfill the new regulations. So now we have an amazing shower (it was terrible before) and the new calefont turns on by itself, so we don't have to use matches. An interesting experience, to say the least, but we're all safe and sound now. No need to worry, they've fixed up the problems and we're fixing a few more things in the house (not dangerous things, just things that need to be fixed - lights, the sink, stuff like that).
It's such an amazing experience, being a missionary. I really urge everyone who hasn't served a mission to do it - family members, youngsters in the ward, older couples, EVERYONE. In the Milenium there are only going to be two works - temple work and missionary work. So we should all do our part :) I cannot wait until I can go to the temple again, it's been 7 months! AHHHH! I know this church is true, I know that Jesus Christ directs it through His chosen representatives and that He wants us all to use His atonement in our lives to be able to live with our Heavenly Father after this short period of probation. I love this work with all my heart.
Well, that's about all for this week, I'm going to go get some pictures ready to be sent off to you all. I love and miss you very much and look forward very much to hearing from you next week!
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