You know what, this week's letter made me really happy - there are so many good things in there! Congratulations on your fitness plan - I'm really happy to hear that you're feeling well and are able to do all of those fun things. As far as sitting...umm...I'm sure Ian and Kelton could arrange theraputic sessions for that: just pick up a videogame controler and sit down on your favorite couch and have at it! Haha, if only it were that simple, right?
Well, I've had a good week with my new companion, Elder Tatasciore. He's from Cool, California (yes, I did say, ''Wow! That's cool!'' when he told me...knee slapper!) and is a good guy. We work hard, as always (if I ever had a companion that didn't want to work I'd whip him into shape). This weekend a 20-year-old girl named Jocelyn will be getting baptized with her 13-year-old brother Gerardo. They're AMAZING! I love them so much. Jocelyn also has an adorable little boy named Javier, but he's only about a year old so he won't be getting baptized just yet. They're really, really excited about it. Gerardo actually has showed interest in being a missionary in 6 more years - so yay for that! Next weekend if all goes well we'll be having a baptism for a lady named Fabiola and her two children, David and Fernanda. So things are going right along as far as the work goes here. I talked with President Swenson in one of my interviews about how I've never really had trouble finding people to teach with all of my companions, and he told me that it has a lot to do with the attitude of the companionship. It's so true - there are tons of miracles just waiting to happen, and the Lord lets us see them if we work hard and are diligently working to find them. And everything depends on if we have the Spirit with us, so that's always a concious effort we put forth. There are tough moments, but I find that the Lord always gives a little something right after those moments to keep our spirits up :) And plus, I forget almost instantly about those things (except for the funny experiences with the drunks haha). About that, I've never had one try to kill me like Elder Money did...and nobody has ever robbed me (I try to be VERY aware of that, because many elders have been robbed), but I did have an encounter with some punks and a gun. I might have told you about this already...but here it is again, haha. It was when I was with Elder Hall in Temuco - we had just dropped our clothes off at the hermana's house that washes them, and were walking back up the hill through a small pasture when we passed by a group of teenagers. One of them stepped out of the group, pistol in hand, pointed it at my head and pulled the trigger. Turns out it was empty, so I just shrugged it off (didn't know how to call the carabineros haha), but it spooked Elder Hall up a bit. When I was with Elder Rodriguez in Cabrero a drunk guy also started to try to punch us (didn't work too well because he was plastered hahaha). He had asked us to take him home and when we did he got really mad and started throwing punches. Some neighbors showed up, took him away, and thanked us for bringing him home. Nothing too serious.
Hmmm...interesting things that happened this week...
1. I think Elder Merril (Cami's friend) will be at the conference I'm going to on Wednesday, so I should be meeting him pretty soon here.
2. This morning I was joking around with Elder Laurito and I was going to run across the room to tackle him, so I jumped over Elder Galindo's shoes...but failed to see the laundry sack on the other I landed on that and the floor is pretty smooth so I fell flat on my face haha. Elder Laurito said he wanted me to it again so that he could record it. I was too busy laughing over a bruised knee to respond...hehe. The funny things that happen :)
Well, I think that's about all the time I've got for this week and I think this letter sounds a bit scatter-brained. We're in Cañete and we're going to be going to some sort of waterfall now. So I'll send pictures of that nex week. I haven't QUITE hit my hump day just yet, that's on the 15th, but thank you sharing that experience with me. I remember that day I was pretty near crying as well - never really did (not that I remember, at least), and then I ended up absolutely loving it, and still do! You don't have to worry about me, momma, I'm doing extremely well, have great health, and have never been happier. I'm looking forward very much to sitting down with the fam on that swing on the porch to see those thunderstorms (thunder pretty much doesn't exist here...I've seen it maybe once in a year). STOP THINKING TRUNKY ELDER VINCENT!!! Haha, just kidding, I'm not trunky: far from it! Ok, I'm going to get some pictures attached and sent off. I love you VERY VERY VERY VERY much and will look forward to hearing from you again next week. Have a great week!
Love times afininy (don't know why, but it sounds better that way),
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