Well, first of all I'll just have to say that I'm a floooooof brain - I forgot to bring the information about the phone call, but I will be able to call you and tell you all of that, or go to a computer and send you all the information. This is what I have planned as of right now - on the 24th I will be at Mario and Jimena's house, so there won't be a way to get the call done then. On the 25th I have planned to go visit people from Lican Ray, so you can probably call me at the Millahual's house. If you don't still have that number let me know and I can get it to you. I'll probably send it to you anyway. But yeah, the call will be on Saturday, the 25th. So plan on that. I'll call and give you all the specifics before then. So buy the card and all that stuff.
This last weekend we had a baptism! Woooo! Her name is SofĂa Plaza. The cool thing about her baptismal service is that her inactive mother came! And her father who isn't a member took an hour off work (he drives a taxi) to come see her get baptized. Her grandmother that we reactivated about a month and a half ago also came. So that was a good experience. This ward is really strong and has a great young women program so she'll be well taken care of.
So on Saturday I re-experienced something that hadn't happened to me since I was in the MTC. I rolled my ankle! I REALLY rolled it, haha. On Saturday mornings we play soccer at the church with members and investigators. So the ball went up into the air and I jumped to intercept it, and one of the players from the other team backed me and threw off my ballance. I came down really hard on my right foot, which wasn't lined up right to land correctly, so I rolled my ankle. It hurt A LOT and I couldn't walk for the rest of that day. So I stayed with a member while Elder Neira ''worked'' with Elder Lusk (I put quotation marks because I found out later that night that they didn't do ANYTHING - GRR!!). Elder Lusk's companion, Elder Laurito, went back to his old sector for the day because there was a baptism there that he was going to participate in. Anyway, so yesterday was a miracle - my foot was better enough to walk on it! So I was able to work for the rest of the day. After church we went to lunch at Mario and Jimena's house (they made some really good mashed potatos with some pork and yummmmmy ribs and stuff like that). Right when we were about to leave Mario told Elder Neira to go cut his grass, haha. We always offer to help them with something but they never have anything for us to do. So anyway, we go out back to start cutting the grass - lawn mowers are very rare here, so we started doing it with a giant pair of garden scissors. I went back inside to look for some more tools and guess what I found....A MACHETE!! Hehe, first time in my life that I had cut grass with a machete. Maybe I'll show you all how to do it when I get gack. Since doing it one time makes you a professional and all. Funny, that's the second time I've found a machete this week - I did an intercambio with Elder Hall and his companion Elder Adams and they had a machete at their house in Nueva Imperial, haha. Fun stuff.
Well, we got cambios here in Maquehue! I'll be staying with an Elder Sanchez from Nicaragua and Elder Neira will be heading out to the zone of Coronel in the sector of Lota. That's in the north of the mission. President Swenson called me last night and told me that Elder Sanchez is obedient and a hard worker so we should be doing lots of great things here this cambio. From what I've heard Elder Sanchez is a great guy so I'm looking forward to working with him. I know him by sight, but not personally.
Things are going really well down here in CHEEEEELAAAYYYYYYY! I'm loving every second of the work. The missionaries in the zone are really excited to be working and as far as I've seen they trust in us as their zone leaders. We've got two new district leaders this cambio so we'll be helping them out a lot. And there will be two greenies getting here tomorrow. So we'll have to pull some fun jokes on them, haha.
Well, I'm just about out of things to say for the week. I'll have to start doing what I did at the beginning of my mission again - write down during the week what I want to say on Monday so that I don't have mind-blanks here and there. But anyway, that's something I can do all by myself, I'm a big boy haha. I hope you all have a GREAT Christmas. I'll do the same down here :) I'm looking forward to next year when I can celebrate it with all of you! But I'll make this last mission Christmas the best one ever. Oh! I haven't recieved the box just yet, but we have a conference here in Temuco on Thursday - I imagine it will be here by then. So hopefully I'll have it! I bought some stuff for you all today so I'll try to get that sent off soon. I love and miss you all very much! Merry Christmas! Or rather, Feliz Navidad! Or if you like, The Police Stole My Car!
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